Hi, I'm Thiago 👋

I'm a tattoo artist and Entrepreneur

Thiago Bomani

Hi, I'm Thiago 👋

I'm a tattoo artist and Entrepreneur

Config File

3 minutes
April 20, 2019

Here is the basic config file used for personal-web.

You can use it as a base for your website.

baseURL = "https://example.com/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Edna West"
theme = "personal-web"
copyright="© Edna West"
googleAnalytics = ""

  main = "Hi, I'm Edna 👋"
  sub = "I'm a Web Developer and Entrepreneur"

  latestPublishHeader = "My Latest Project"

  design = "designs"
  tech = "techs"

  hrefTargetBlank = true

  breadcrumb = true
  accentColor = "#FD3519"
  mainSections = ['portfolio']
  rendererSafe = true # set to true if the renderer is not marked unsafe

  gopher = "/images/gopher.png"
  h1 = 'Bummer!'
  p = "It seems that this page doesn't exist."

  post = "article"
  portfolio = "project"

  backgroundImage = ''
  gradientOverlay = ''
  logo = ""

  favicon = ""
  customCSS = ""

  github = "https://github.com/"
  twitter = "https://twitter.com/"
  linkedin = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/"
  medium = "https://medium.com/"
  codepen = "https://codepen.io/"
  facebook = "https://www.facebook.com/"
  youtube = "https://www.youtube.com/"
  instagram = "https://www.instagram.com/"
  gitlab = "https://gitlab.com/"
  keybase = "https://keybase.io/"

  email = ""
  text= ""


  identifier = "about"
  name = "About"
  title = "About section"
  url = "/about/"
  weight = -120

  identifier = "portfolio"
  name = "Portfolio"
  title = "Portfolio"
  url = "/portfolio/"
  weight = -110

  identifier = "blog"
  name = "Post"
  title = "Blog section"
  url = "/post/"
  weight = -100

  changefreq = "monthly"
  filename = "sitemap.xml"
  priority = 0.5

    anonymizeIP = true
    disable = true
    respectDoNotTrack = true
    useSessionStorage = false
    disable = false
    enableDNT = true
    simple = false

The sidebar header is defined within the params.intro section. The main being the top header and sub the subheader

  main = "Hi, I'm Edna 👋"
  sub = "I'm a Web Developer and Entrepreneur"

You can also customize the params with the params.sidebar parameters. The config.toml file contains the default values as examples.

  backgroundImage = ''
  gradientOverlay = ''
  logo = ''


The 404 page is defined within the params.notFound section. The gopher, h1 and p params define the image and texts displayed on the page.

In the [params] section, the mainSections params possible values are ‘portfolio’ or ‘post’: it defines the section highlighted on the page.

NB: to see the 404 page from your development env, check /404.html.

  gopher = "/images/gopher.png"
  h1 = 'Bummer!'
  p = "It seems that this page doesn't exist."

  mainSections = ['portfolio']

You can also define how the post and portfolio sections will be named on the 404 page, thanks to the params.sections params.

  post = "article"
  portfolio = "project"


You can define a custom CSS file in the customCSS param and a favicon.

  favicon = ""
  customCSS = ""


You can define your social media usernames in the params.social and the params.contact paramaters.

In this last section, the email expects your email address and the text is what will be displayed on the sidebar, right below the last item of the menu. If blank, nothing is displayed.

  github = "https://github.com/"
  twitter = "https://twitter.com/"
  linkedin = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/"
  medium = "https://medium.com/"
  codepen = "https://codepen.io/"
  facebook = "https://www.facebook.com/"
  youtube = "https://www.youtube.com/"
  instagram = "https://www.instagram.com/"
  gitlab = "https://gitlab.com/"
  keybase = "https://keybase.io/"

  email = ""
  text= ""

Latest Publication

You can define the name of the latest publication header on the home page with the param latestPublishHeader.

  latestPublishHeader = "My Latest Project"